Attachment & Trauma Center of Houston

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Therapy for Adolescents

The foundation of therapy is the relationship with a trusted, specially trained therapist who can help young people deal with the causes of distress and help them acquire the skills to cope more adaptively in the future.  The goal is to create a situation in which adolescents can express themselves fully in order to develop self-understanding and new, lasting changes in emotional states and behavior. Therapy with children and adolescents is a collaborative endeavor with parents or caregivers.

The goal is to create a situation in which adolescents can express themselves fully in order to develop self-understanding and new, lasting changes in emotional states and behavior. Therapy with children and adolescents is a collaborative endeavor with parents or caregivers.

Attachment Therapy

Attachment and Trauma Therapy In Houston - Adult, Teen, and Child Therapist

Trauma Therapy



LENS Neurofeedback

LENS Neurofeedback

Highly Sensitive Children

Highly Sensitive People

(not a type of therapy, but special service offered)

The Neurosequential Model©


Internal Family Systems

Exploring Internal Family Systems